Resources / Webinars / Winning at R&R and D&I: How to Combine Recognition and Diversity & Inclusion for the Best Results

Live Webinar

How to Combine Recognition and Diversity & Inclusion for the Best Results

What are the most important factors in a winning workplace today? Diversity, inclusion and recognition. A major new study on the relationship between recognition and D&I found that integrating them creates workplace magic: better financial performance, higher employee engagement, and reciprocal success in both recognition and D&I programs.

Join Meghan M. Biro for a can’t-miss look at how to optimize your recognition and D&I programs by combining them, and turbocharge engagement, performance, and business success. She’ll cover the best practices for leveraging this groundbreaking approach — and investigate why companies with optimized diversity, inclusion and recognition are outpacing their competitors in innovation, talent attraction and retention and brand reputation. This is a key opportunity for any company that wants a competitive edge.

Join us to learn:

  • The latest insights on recognition and D&I
  • How integrating recognition and D&I programs serves as a catalyst for success
  • How to leverage the best R&R tools to bolster your D&I efforts.
  • The workforce’s view of D&I — and why recognition is so key


Meghan M Biro
Meghan M Biro

CEO, Talent Culture


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