Resources / Webinars / Activating Culture in Local Government and Connecting Employees Through Times of Change

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Activating Culture in Local Government and Connecting Employees Through Times of Change

The events of 2020 have forced organisations from the biggest businesses to the smallest, from the private sector to the public, to consider radical change in how they operate.

Local government is not immune. From changing how civic infrastructure works to increasing digital service delivery options, Councils around Australia are being forced to respond and change at speeds never considered before.

The people who power Councils in Australia, their employees, can’t be left behind in this change. It is critical that leaders within Councils ensure that their employees feel supported throughout this crisis, are adapting to remote working, and remain engaged.

Many Council employees will be asking am I still being recognized for my work if I’m not in the office? To explore this area further, Achievers, the global leader in Employee Listening, Recognition and Reward, are proud to host the City of Greater Dandenong in this special feature specifically for Local Councils in Australia.

Join us to learn:

  • The key needs driving why a Council-wide approach to employee recognition was implemented
  • The benefits of their current program "Shine" and how it is enabling them to remain connected with their employees, helping build resilience whilst working remotely
  • Stories from the front line as to how everyday behaviors are being celebrated across the Council


Emma Harvie
Emma Harvie

Senior Manager of Customer Success, Achievers

Pesha Krishnan
Pesha Krishnan

Customer Success Manager, Achievers

Anthony Camillo
Anthony Camillo

Manager People & Procurement Services, City of Greater Dandenong

Tayla Vu
Tayla Vu

Organisational Development Consultant - Payroll, City of Greater Dandenong

Dani Gerresheim
Dani Gerresheim

Organisational Development Officer, City of Greater Dandenong


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