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Fostering Workplace Resiliency and Connection In Uncertain Times

Across workplaces around the globe, a new normal is emerging. Employees are becoming increasingly socially isolated and more fearful that their health, their family’s health or their jobs are at risk and the historic and the unprecedented nature of the Covid-19 pandemic is bringing the intensity and pace of change to new levels.

There’s no shortage of Internet memes and cliché motivational quotes reminding us that trying times aren’t defined by the nature of the adversity but rather how we respond.

A mountain of research exists which tells the story that the organizations who focus on building resiliency and connection within their teams, will be best positioned to not just adapt, but thrive.

Join us to learn:

  • The landscape of evidence demonstrating why workplace resiliency is the, “miracle drug” of organizational success in uncertain times
  • Solutions grounded in theory and practice for fostering workplace resiliency and connection
  • Uplifting, real examples of organizations getting it right


Dr. Natalie Baumgartner
Dr. Natalie Baumgartner

Chief Workforce Scientist, Achievers Workforce Institute

Brie Harvey
Brie Harvey

Head of Market Research and Community, Achievers


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