Resources / Webinars / Workforce Webinar: Employee Engagement and Working Remotely

On-Demand Webinar

Employee Engagement and Working Remotely

Even in the best of times, engaging a remote workforce is a significant organizational challenge. In a crisis that hit many organizations suddenly and in some cases unexpectedly, it can seem like an impossibility. With the pressure managers are under how can organizations possibly keep the workforce engaged, productive and resilient when they’re not even in the same place or working at the same time?

After years of baby steps, we’ve begun a massive worldwide experiment in virtual work and teaming at a distance. Fortunately, there are examples for HR to look to for resilience during a time of stress. We’ll dig into the skills and abilities managers need to work effectively in this new environment and what HR can do to help lead the way.

Join us to learn:

  • Tactics and techniques for effective virtual teaming and management
  • Feedback tools and tips for building a resilient culture and workforce
  • Strategies to communicate and lead at a distance


Mike Prokopeak
Mike Prokopeak

VP and Editor in Chief, Human Capital Media


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