Resources / Webinars / How to Apply the Most Valuable Lessons from the Pandemic

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How to Apply the Most Valuable Lessons from the Pandemic

2020 will go down in history as one of the most unpredictable, intense and difficult years to serve in HR. Nearly every aspect of the working world was upended and HR leaders twisted themselves into knots as they solved for a multitude of challenges at breakneck speed amid rapidly changing conditions, uncertainty and the swirling of emotional, sociopolitical, and health-related dynamics.

As exhausting as it has been, the pandemic has also afforded HR the opportunity to reflect on what’s truly, "essential" when it comes to cultivating resilient workplace culture and inspiring employee motivation and engagement.

Join us to learn:

  • The most valuable lessons HR practitioners learned in 2020
  • Actionable solutions to foster engagement in the COVID-Era workplace
  • Insights from top global HR leaders about what should be prioritized in 2021 and beyond


Brie Harvey
Brie Harvey

Head of Market Research and Community, Achievers

Tom Kiriakou
Tom Kiriakou

Director of Customer Success, Achievers


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