Live Webinar
Frequency: The Key to Recognition and Engagement
We all understand the powerful connection between recognition and engagement. But truly driving engagement takes a lot more than isolated moments of praise. When frequent, well-timed recognition is part of your workplace culture, that’s what truly boosts engagement and performance. That’s what helps employees feel great about their roles, their teams, and their employer, and forges genuine alignment between everyone involved.
Join Meghan M. Biro for a lively, hands-on discussion on how to best leverage recognition to drive engagement and performance. She’ll bring in the latest research on the role of frequency in recognition — and the best tools for employers building a recognition culture. She’ll talk about the role of cadence and frequency in catalyzing your workforce, and lay out the top strategies you’ll need to follow to achieve tangible results in engagement.
Join us to learn:
- How to best leverage recognition to drive engagement and performance
- The latest research on the role of frequency in recognition
- The best tools for employers building a recognition culture

Meghan M. Biro
CEO, Talent Culture

Meghan M. Biro
CEO, Talent Culture
Like most people who gravitate toward HR, Meghan loves people. Early in her career, Meghan realized she was a rare people person who understood tech. As a high tech recruiter, Meghan worked with hundreds of companies, from early-stage startups to global brands like Microsoft, IBM and Google. Meghan founded TalentCulture in 2008 to lead a conversation about the future of work with her peers in HR and leadership. These days, she is consistently included in lists of top online influencers and writes about HR tech and talent management at, and a variety of other media outlets. Her career background spans recruiting, tech, marketing, branding and digital media. As an HR tech analyst, author and brand strategist, Meghan is sought after for her ideas about the future of work, is a regularly featured speaker at global business conferences, and serves on boards for leading HR and technology brands.