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Why Most Recognition Programs Fail and How to Fix it

HR leaders and company executives are well aware of the benefits of employee recognition: stronger employee engagement, retention, and morale to name a few. The adoption of employee recognition programs have increased significantly, but employees just being aware of a program’s existence doesn’t move the needle when it comes to improving their behavior. Recognition can be short lived and in order for recognition to truly work and have a lasting impact on employee engagement and morale, recognition needs to be frequent.

In this webinar, Brie Harvey dives into the importance of frequent recognition and shares best practices on how to build and sustain a successful employee recognition program.

Join us to learn:

  • Why high frequency is key to your employee recognition program’s success
  • Why you need to leverage non-monetary recognition
  • How to rethink your budget and get the most out of your recognition program


Brie Harvey
Brie Harvey

Head of Market Research and Community, Achievers


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