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Live Webinar

How to Strategically Boost Your Employee Experience

Boosting employee engagement isn’t just about being a stronger company, increasing tenure, productivity, and winning; it’s about enjoying that thing we do more than anything else in a day – work. By now, we know the importance of employee engagement, but do we still know how to engage our people when the world around us is moving at break-neck speed?

In this webinar, we’ll take a unique approach to better understanding how we’re living in a world that we’re still working hard to understand. You’ll receive new data and research on employee engagement, hear from companies that have made the transformation, and what the root of employee engagement is. What you’ll learn might surprise you as you learn you may have more to do with engagement than you ever thought.

Join us to learn:

  • The current state of work, technology, and how we communicate
  • The missing link in employee experience
  • What the point of diminishing returns is and how it impacts employee experience
  • How our habits are preventing deeper engagement and what to do to improve our actions
  • The three keys to recognition
  • The single greatest consideration for boosting engagement


Eric Termeunde
Eric Termeunde

Author, HR Expert and Co-Founder, NoW of Work Inc.


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